03- Zevenbergen, Noord Brabant, 13-07-2006

At july 13 2006, Robbert van den Broeke reported this formation to DCCA co-worker Peter Vanlaerhoven who went to Zevenbergen for some research. Underneith his report and photo's

Robert Boerman

Report from Peter van Laerhoven.

When I entered this circle, I felt that this formation had anohter kind of energy as the circle near Hoeven. De large circle measures 8 meters and the smaller ones 1.5 meter. I measured 3 leylines which are cross eachother almost is the center of the large cirkel, but they did not form a leycentre. In the large circle there were - like in Hoeven - 6 rings of energy. The energy of the inner 2 rings run in a clockwise direction and the other 4 rings in a anti clockwise direction.

Measurements outside the circel: Bovis 5500, Poa 52% and Orgon 18%. These are 'normal' values for this kind of field.

Measurements inside formation: Bovis 9870, Poa 107% and Orgon 59 %. Poa is like in the Hoeven formation also above 100% which means that this formation has a healing effect.

This formation was a few days old and I think it was formed at july 8th. Furthermore I found a lot of elongated nodes in the formation which I did not found oudside the formation.